Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan 2022-2026

Goals and Initiatives

Mental Health Needs


JFS is a recognized regional leader and preferred partner for mental health services.

JFS services and programs are expanded to better meet mental health needs of the community.


  1. Expand JFS’s strong suicide-prevention program across the region, including enhancing training and development.
  2. Strengthen mental health programs for adolescents.
  3. Develop contracts with clinics, schools, local payers and hospitals in order to build strong referral system for mental health services.
  4. Build mental health programs, staff, and specialized expertise to meet the needs of a diverse community.
  5. Enhance programs and connectivity for mental health services within the Orthodox Community.



JFS is an employer of choice and attracts and retains a highly effective, mission-driven team that is trusted throughout the community.


  1. Enhance professional growth and development opportunities within each department.
  2. Develop a regional training institute for human service professionals.
  3. Analyze employment, pay, and benefit structures to ensure competitive employment packages across the agency.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion


JFS is a proud Jewish organization providing excellent service to the Jewish community and the broader community.


  1. Develop agency-wide guidelines and training to ensure all programs deliver services sensitive to individual and cultural needs.
  2. Provide regular, structured diversity, equity, and inclusion training to JFS leadership, staff, and board.
  3. Explore and implement policy changes based on agency-wide DEI learning and discussion.
  4. Diversify lay leadership and staff.

Financial Sustainability


JFS offers a breadth of services to meet its mission and the needs of the community.

JFS optimizes revenue mix from insurers and other sources.


  1. Perform a comprehensive program assessment to optimize operational and financial performance while meeting community needs.
  2. Implement recommendations of the comprehensive program assessment, which can include geographic growth or program revision.
  3. Identify new mission-driven service opportunities covered by a broad range of payers.
  4. Enhance current fundraising and grant programs to broaden potential funding base including next generation donors.
  5. Continue to develop other revenue models for older adult services in addition to the revenue from the Claims Conference.